How can I add additional connector (glue) points to a shape in word or powerpoint?

Solution 1:

From PowerPoint 2013 onwards, you can do the following:

  • Right-click the border of a shape
  • Choose Edit Points
  • Ctrl-click to add a point, or right-click and select Add Point

These become glue points that connector lines and such will snap to. Note that this changes the original shape and may break connections to existing glue points.

With older versions, you can't add more glue points, but you can draw an additional shape with glue points where you want them, then group it with the first shape.

Solution 2:

This description can be found at this link:

Edit points in a shape

Solution 3:

I found the answer at Phlogtastic via Indezine

It is kind of convoluted but seems to work mostly in PP 2013:

Step 1 - Right click the shape
Step 2 - Choose Edit-Points
Step 3 - Left-click where you want the new point (cursor changes to a combo square-crosshair)

enter image description here

Step 4 - Right-click at the same position without moving mouse and select Add Point.

enter image description here

In some cases when I tried to do this on a rectangle it made that edge of the rectangle curved. But re-creating the rectangle from scratch made it work ok.

Solution 4:

I had same issue and was annoyed with adding points method because of need to be very careful for spline interpolation between points (was really hard to make straight line and align points very carefully). So here is what I did:


Start to draw a rectangle with two smaller rectangles in it (add lines connected to smaller rectangles to get the big picture)



Resize smaller rectangles to snap on edges of the bigger one



Select no to draw contour for smaller rectangles (at this point I also removed helper lines)



Group the rectangles in a single form



Add this new form to your favorites


[And voilà]

You can now connect lines at added new points
