Shortcut for adding new row or column in Powerpoint 2013 table

Solution 1:

If you right click on the row or column you want to insert before, you see the context menu which has insert and delete options. Selecting the appropriate one of those gives you the columns/rows left/right or above/below. See picture. This at least means you don't have to go to the ribbon.

Context Menu allows row insertion where you clicked

The only shortcut key for table row insertion I know is TAB, which adds one row on the end of a table if you happen to be in the last cell of the table.

Solution 2:

Alt+J, L, V     =     insert above

Alt+J, L, E     =     insert below

Alt+J, L, L     =     insert left

Alt+J, L, I      =     insert right

Note that the last letter in each shortcut sequence is contained within the direction word that it refers to.