Powerpoint: how to insert document property (aka 'field') in slide?

While Word can do this, PowerPoint can't. AFAIK, you can have document properties in PPT, but you cannot insert them on a slide. The only updating field available for PowerPoint is the date and slide number. Anyway, there could be some workaround in VBA to achieve this. You can ask this on Stackoverflow to take your chance.

Just wrote a subroutine to put named properties into tagged text objects on all slides.

To put a file property onto slide(s). Create a textbox to hold the string. In the properties/Alt Text put the property name into square brackets.

Then execute the macro updateProperties().

i.e. [title] - would allow the document title to be updated on multiple

Two special tags have been written:

  • [copyright] would insert a copyright string, i.e. © 1998-2013 P.Boothroyd, NIS Oskemen
  • [page] would insert the slide number from the editor tab
  • ' Copy document properties into all slides
    ' (c) 2013, P.Boothroyd for NIS Oskemen
    Dim processPage As Slide
    Sub updateProperties()
        Dim page As Slide
        Dim propname As String
        ' parse all slides in the active presentation (document)
        For Each processPage In Application.ActivePresentation.Slides
            ' scan all elements of page for textbox with tagged "altText/title" field with "["
            For Each obj In processPage.Shapes
                If Left(obj.Title, 1) = "[" Then
                    Dim sStart, sEnd As Integer
                    ' extract property from between square brackets
                    sStart = 2
                    sEnd = InStr(2, obj.Title, "]")
                    propname = Trim(Mid(obj.Title, sStart, sEnd - 2))
                    If obj.Type = msoTextBox Then
                        ' set the text box to the requested value
                        obj.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = getProperty(propname, obj.TextFrame.TextRange.Text)
                    End If
                End If
            Next ' obj
        Next ' page
    End Sub
    ' get the named document property (with optional default)
    Function getProperty(propname, Optional def As String) As String
        ' property assigned the default value
        getProperty = def
        Dim found As Boolean
        found = False
        propname = LCase(propname)
        ' copyright is a generated property
        If propname = "copyright" Then
            Dim author As String
            Dim company As String
            Dim yearFrom As String
            Dim yearTo As String
            ' get all appropriate variables
            author = getProperty("author", "")
            company = getProperty("company", "")
            yearFrom = getProperty("created", "")
            yearTo = Format(Now(), "YYYY")
            ' insert copyright symbol
            getProperty = Chr(169) + " "
            ' attach year span for copyright notice
            If yearFrom  yearTo Then
                getProperty = getProperty + yearFrom + "-"
            End If
            getProperty = getProperty + yearTo
            ' add the author
            getProperty = getProperty + " " + author
            ' add separator for author/company if both exist
            If Len(author) > 0 And Len(company) > 0 Then
                getProperty = getProperty & ", "
            End If
            getProperty = getProperty & company
            ' processed, so return the value
            found = True
        End If
        ' insert the slide number into the document
        If propname = "page" Then
            getProperty = processPage.SlideNumber
            found = True
        End If
        ' if generated name created return the value
        If found Then GoTo ret
        ' scan for standard MS (file) properties of the named value
        For Each p In Application.ActivePresentation.BuiltInDocumentProperties
            If LCase(p.Name) = propname Then
                getProperty = p.Value
                found = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next ' p
        ' scan for customised properties of the named value
        If found Then GoTo ret
        For Each p In Application.ActivePresentation.CustomDocumentProperties
            If LCase(p.Name) = propname Then
                getProperty = p.Value
                found = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next ' p
    End Function

    A workaround is to use custom properties that you can easily "Go To" (no need to wade through slides).

    From http://msdn.itags.org/powerpoint/4426/ :

    1. Select shape or text that you want to set a bookmark to.
    2. Select File | Properties... and activate the Custom tab.
    3. Type a name for the bookmark.
    4. Tick 'Link to content'. The value that is listed in the adjacent dropdown box when you tick 'Link to content' is a reference to your selection.
    5. Click Add.
    6. Click OK to close the Properties dialog.

    Now that you have created a bookmark, you can jump to it as follows:
    1. Select Edit | Goto Property...
    2. Click the Property name from the dialog (this is the name you gave to the bookmark).
    3. Click on Go to.

    The "Go To" dialog presents you a list of bookmarks you can double-click, and goes to your favorite textboxes, ready to be edited / pasted to.

    The easiest way to do this in Powerpoint (at least for values that will appear on every slide) is to edit the slide master. Put the author name there.

    (A possible reason that Word lets you, and none of the others do, is that the various teams at Microsoft rarely talk to each other...)