Listen to a ITunes podcast without using ITunes? [duplicate]

How do I listen to / download the files from a (free) ITunes podcast?

The following question How to download a podcast without iTunes? suggests that I open the RSS feed to get the audio links.

The problem is that I can't find the RSS feed anywhere, just a "View in Itunes" link.

Wanted podcast:

I found a tool at this website which will tell you the actual RSS feed from an iTunes store link.

For example, when given:

It returns:

The iTunes Store (iTS) does not actually host or publish feeds. See here:

Understanding the iTunes Client and the iTunes Store.


When you submit your podcast, you are notifying iTS that you have a podcast feed that is located in a particular location (the feed URL). If your feed is accepted, iTS simply reads your feed each day and updates the podcast directory with any new or changed information about your podcast. Note that iTS does not cache or make a copy of your feed, nor does it cache or make a copy of your episode files. For podcasts, iTS is acting in a capacity similar to a web directory.

When users find interesting podcasts in iTS, they click the Subscribe button, causing the podcast feed URL to be copied from iTS to the user's iTunes client. The iTunes client reads the podcast feed that is located at the feed URL, then downloads the media file for the podcast's most recent episode from the web server where it is hosted.

You can go to and download or listen to the podcast.