New posts in microsoft-graph-api

Upload file to SharePoint drive using Microsoft Graph

MS Graph API - Create Online Meeting, not generating with dial-in/conference information

List a list of all member from a group using graph api

Async push notification to Microsoft Authenticator App

When should I use Outlook REST API vs Microsoft Graph API?

item within versionoverrides invalid 'webapplicationinfo' on Exchange on prem with Azure AD Hybrid

Async task method returns right after one of it await tasks executed without proceeding to next task

Proactive messaging bot in Teams without mentioning the bot beforehand

Tenant does not have a SPO license

Accessing mass messages using graph api

Uninstall ms teams app / bot for a user ( bot framework bot )

Microsoft Graph API send no response required meeting invites

Microsoft Graph API to read phone number assigned to Teams user

GraphAPI returns BadGateway for Teams App Unistall call

How to update azure ad b2c custom user attribute using graph api

Is it possible to create Azure RBAC role via Microsoft Graph

What's the difference between User.Read vs OpenID/Profile/Email Permissions in AzureAD App Registration for an app that will sign in users?

Which Graph API should be used with Azure AD B2C

Microsoft Graph - User photo : Microsoft.Fast.Profile.Core.Exception.ImageNotFoundException

Microsoft Graph 502 Bad Gateway - Failed to execute backend request when creating a private channel (beta API)