Microsoft Graph API send no response required meeting invites

I am trying to create meeting invites without allowing users to Accept/Decline them. I have seen many meeting invites that have "No response required".

    "subject":      "Microsoft Teams Meeting",                              
    "location":     {                                                       
            "displayName":  "Online Meeting"                                
    "body": {                                                               
            "contentType":  "HTML",                                         
            "content":      "Sounds good?"                                  
    "start":        {                                                       
            "dateTime":     "2022-01-18T15:04:00",                          
            "timeZone":     "Pacific Standard Time"                         
    "end":  {                                                               
            "dateTime":     "2022-01-18T16:04:00",                          
            "timeZone":     "Pacific Standard Time"                         
    "attendees": [{                                                      
                    "type": "required",                                     
                    "emailAddress": {                                       
                        "address": "[email protected]"            
    "isOnlineMeeting": false,                                           
    "onlineMeetingProvider": "teamsForBusiness"

I tried putting "responseRequested": false" but still seeing Accept/Decline/Tentative options.

Meeting response

But I want it to remove these options and show "No response required" like the below image

no response required image

set another email address as the attendee which is different from the one we used to create the event, then it will show the "not request a response"

  "subject": "Let's go for lunch",
  "body": {
    "contentType": "HTML",
    "content": "Does noon work for you?"
  "start": {
      "dateTime": "2022-01-21T12:00:00",
      "timeZone": "Pacific Standard Time"
  "end": {
      "dateTime": "2022-01-21T14:00:00",
      "timeZone": "Pacific Standard Time"
      "displayName":"Harry's Bar"
  "attendees": [
      "emailAddress": {
        "address":"[email protected]",
        "name": "tiny wang"
      "type": "required"

enter image description here

"responseRequested": false should work for the create event api, because the event object has the property of responseRequested.

But please note the online meeting object doesn't contain this property, so you can't create an online meeting without response by adding this property using this api.

enter image description here