wget not found in Jupiter notebook to download geojson file from url

Im trying to download and read a geojson file from url to use it latter to create a folium map, I already install wget on mac using brew.

when running the code I get this

# Download and store a geojson file of Indiana containig AGEB boundaries
import wget
import geojson

!wget https://github.com/Alexrendon/Indianapolis-data/blob/main/Indiana_censustracts.geojson
census_tract = r'Indiana_censustracts.geojson'
print("geojson ready!")


zsh:1: command not found: wget

Your code

# Download and store a geojson file of Indiana containig AGEB boundaries
import wget
import geojson

!wget https://github.com/Alexrendon/Indianapolis-data/blob/main/Indiana_censustracts.geojson
census_tract = r'Indiana_censustracts.geojson'
print("geojson ready!")

looks like you are confusing wget python module available at PyPI and GNU Wget command line tool. If you want just to downlad file, neither is required as there exist urlretrieve inside urllib.request which is part of python standard library. Consider following simple example

import urllib.request

first argument is URL, second is filename