New posts in metric-spaces

Total variation metric space and its equivalence classes

Identify the boundary of $\mathbb{Q}$ in the discrete metric space $\mathbb{R}$

Distance of a point to a subset.

How to show whether two metrics generate the same topology

Open Ball in a Metric Space vs. Open Set in a Topological Space

Find the closure of $C^{1}[-1, 1]$ in the space ${(\scr{B}} [-1, 1],||•||_\infty)$

every isometry is a homeomorphism

How to show the intersection of arbitrary compact sets is compact in a general metric space?

Compactness, Local Compactness, Completeness

How is the discrete metric continuous?

Examples of metric spaces which are not normed linear spaces?

About the Wasserstein "metric"

Bi-Lipschitz maps and identity

Prove that sequence space $\ell_p(\mathbb R)$ is separable

Is every metric space a subspace of some connected metric space?

Why is a metric space an open subset of itself?

Is the metric space $(\mathbb{R}^\omega, d_f) $ separable?

Does a continuous function take Cauchy sequences to Cauchy sequences?

Nonsingularity of Euclidean distance matrix

Second Countability of Euclidean Spaces