New posts in measuring-units

Including units of a measure in a range

More than 1000 gallons of paint is/are sold each day [duplicate]

Why don't we pluralize "foot" in measurements?

1 in 3 U.S. Adults Have or has prediabetes - respected publications using them interchangeably? [duplicate]

Why is the unit of measure placed before the value for currencies? Are there other measures where the unit precedes value?

Is two-thirds plural?

"A total of 0.0606 moles of NaOH was" or "were"?

Punctuation with units

Why is "pound" (of weight) abbreviated "lb"?

"A total of 10 babies is..." vs. "a total of 10 babies are..." vs. "Ten babies in total are..."

Are units in English singular or plural?

"1 in 10 are" or "1 in 10 is"?

Plural/singular verb agreement with units

Should there be a space before a percent sign?

Should we use plural or singular for a fraction of a mile?

What Is the Real Name of the #?

Pluralization rule for "five-year-old children", "20 pound note", "10 mile run"