New posts in measure-theory

Vitali Covering theorem, countable sub-collection?

A Good Book for Mathematical Probability Theory [duplicate]

$f$ is measurable if and only if for each Borel set A, $f^{-1}(A)$ is measurable.

The subset that $m(E \cap I) \geq \alpha m(I)$ has measure 1.

Convergence in measure does not imply $L^1$ convergence

stopped filtration = filtration generated by stopped process?

Example of not being a sigma algebra as complement property does not hold

Prove Borel sigma-algebra translation invariant

Outer Measure of the complement of a Vitali Set in [0,1] equal to 1

If $f \circ V=f$ implies $f$ is constant, then $V$ must be ergodic.

$\int_0^\infty ne^{-nx}\sin\left(\frac1{x}\right)\;dx\to ?$ as $n\to\infty$

Why is the outer measure of the set of irrational numbers in the interval [0,1] equal to 1?

$g(x)=\sup \{f(y): y\in B(x)\}$ is lsc on $R^{n}$ where $B(x)$ is a open ball with fixed radius $r$

What is the norm measuring in function spaces

The Cantor distribution is singular (with respect to lebesgue measure)

Covering null sets by a finite number of intervals

Calculating a Lebesgue integral involving the Cantor Function

If f is integrable, is it finite almost everywhere?

The Dirac delta does not belong in L2

Proving that $\|Af\|_p=\sup_{g\geq 0, \|g\|_q=1}\int (Af\cdot g).$