New posts in mass-effect-series

Source of powers in Mass effect series

What happens if I romance Kaidan as a male Shepard in ME1 by editing save file and import the save file to ME2 and ME3?

Mass effect 3 Can you accidentally cheat on someone after romance?

Can I download a specific Mass Effect game from The Mass Effect Trilogy?

Does Mass Effect: Andromeda contradict Mass Effect 3 ending?

Why was there no purely human council?

How did humanity miss the Sol Relay

Mass Effect in Origin Client doesn't work (win 7 64 bit)

What rank is "Primarch"?

What happens with Tali if you chose not to continue the relationship in ME3

Are there story elements in Mass Effect 3 which are directly influenced by actions in the first game?

How can I minimise the number of people who die?

Why did Miranda die in my playthrough?

Are Turians and Quarians related?

What were the Synthetics the Child was talking about?

Is it possible to fill the memorial wall on the Normandy?

Is Javik the only one of his kind in Mass Effect 3?

Is there a "Canonical" Commander Shepard?

How can I maximize romantic encounters?

Where did the Reapers come from?