New posts in mass-effect-series

Jacob romance in Mass Effect 3?

How long are the natural lifespans of the other aliens?

What happened with Ashley between ME2 and ME3?

Do the Reapers only kill sentient life?

Are any important NPCs doomed to die, or immune from death?

Is the Shadow Broker the same character in Mass Effect 3 even if you haven't done the DLC?

Can I use my Xbox One controller to play the PC versions of the Mass Effect games?

To what extent do your choices in Mass Effect influence the story in Mass Effect 2?

Which actions in past games affect War Assets in Mass Effect 3?

Can you max both Paragon and Renegade points?

Mass Effect 3 will be on Origin, how will this affect me with my two other Mass Effect games being on Steam?

What squad members romance together without Shepard?

Can I cheat on my ME1 sweetheart in ME2 and keep our romance going in ME3?

Is there a good synopsis of the plot of Mass Effect 1 & 2?

Do I need to have played Mass Effect 1 or 2 to understand Mass Effect 3's storyline?

Do I need to play the original Mass Effect game to understand the sequels? [duplicate]

Why is the series named "Mass Effect"?

What do I need to complete my Mass Effect Trilogy collection?

Who is the Virmire Survivor?

How can I possibly sleep with everybody?