Which actions in past games affect War Assets in Mass Effect 3?

Solution 1:

  • Kasumi, Jacob, Miranda, Zaeed, Jack, Grunt, and Samara can all be recruited as war assets if they survived ME2 and events in ME3.

  • The strength of the Normandy is effected by the amount of upgrades applied in ME2

  • Having a lot of mineral resources at the end of ME2 may grant you a bonus of up to 100 war assets.

  • The Destiny Ascension can be added as a war asset provided it survived ME1. This reduces the strength of all of the Alliance fleets.

  • If the Destiny Ascension was destroyed, the strength of the Alliance fleets are boosted, and a new Alliance Admiral is available.

  • Zhu's hope colonist are a war asset if they survived ME1.

  • The Rachni can be recruited as assets if you allowed the queen to live in ME1.

  • Conrad Verner can even provide a war asset provided you did a bunch of random completionist quests in ME1

  • Wrex and Mordin surviving ME 1 and 2 and what Mordin did with the genophage data have a big effect on the amount of war assets that can be generated from the Korgan.

  • If you did not complete Arrival, the a Alliance 103rd marine division is weakened.

  • Captain Kirrahe can bring in elements of the STG provided he survived Virmire.

  • If you completed Bring Down the Sky and the Batarian leader escaped, he can be recruited to strengthen what's left of their fleet.

  • The Archer bothers are available as assets if they survived Overlord.

  • Destroying/not destroying the Collector Base effects the value of an asset found in the Cerberus base.

  • If Kelly Chambers survives ME2 she can help recruit some ex-Cerberus engineers.

  • Reprogramming the Geth Heretics increases the strength of their fleet if you can recruit them, but weakens the Quarians.