How can i clear the queue of media item in audio_service

I tried updateQueue([]) to kinda reset the queue (which is not working). And why i want to do this is because i am adding mediaItem on skipToNext like below

     id: lecture.url!,
     artUri: Uri.parse(bookArt),
     artist: "artist",
     album: bookName

and whenever i play any audio it starts from wherever i left from queue, which obviously means i have to clear out the queue. So how can i do that?

package i am using is audio_service one-isolate branch

If you follow this tutorial by Suragch. In page_manager.dart you will see remove() function

  void remove() {
    final lastIndex = _audioHandler.queue.value.length - 1;
    if (lastIndex < 0) return;
    _audioHandler.removeQueueItemAt(lastIndex);  }

This function removes the last item from AudioService queue and JustAudio playlist.

So you can just loop through the playlist and call remove(). It will clear all playlist and queue.

for (int i = 0; i < playlist.length; i++) {

Hope this answer your question!