New posts in manifolds

Example of two atlases on a manifold $M$ which give rise to different sets of smooth functions on $M$.

Residual Finiteness of Fundamental Groups of Seifert Fibered Spaces

Is every topological manifold completely metrizable?

Homology group of $X=\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})/\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})$

How to show a level set isn't a regular submanifold

Homology and cohomology of 7-manifold

Normal Bundle is Trivial

how to calculate the curvature of an ellipse

Distinguishing the Cylinder from a "full-twist" Möbius strip

K. Janich, Vector Analysis, Chapter 3 Test

The differential of the inclusion map is the inclusion map of tangent spaces.

Difference between Grassmann and Stiefel manifolds

How do we obtain a chart for the sphere $\{x:\|x\|=1\}$ from a chart of the ball $\{x:\|x|\le1\}$?

What are the "technical troubles" with using a metric space rather than a topological space when defining an abstract manifold? (As in Spivak)

Manifold and maximal atlas

How many charts are needed to cover a 2-torus?

Proof of whitney's embedding theorem?

Tangent bundle : is a manifold

Can any smooth manifold be realized as the zero set of some polynomials?

Converse To Quotient Manifold Theorem [Exercise in Lee Smooth Manifolds]