New posts in logarithms

if $f: \Omega \to \mathbb{C} \setminus \{0\}$ is holomorphic and $\Omega$ is simply connected, show there is a holomorphic function $g^2 = f$.

Integral ${\large\int}_0^1\left(-\frac{\operatorname{li} x}x\right)^adx$

Value of Summation of $\log(n)$

Fun logarithm question

Prove that $\log X < X$ for all $X > 0$

Geometric interpretation of the Logarithm (in $\mathbb{R}$)

Proof that $\frac{2}{3} < \log(2) < \frac{7}{10}$

How to prove $\log n < n$?

Derivative of $x^{x^x}$

A conjectured identity for tetralogarithms $\operatorname{Li}_4$

Is the natural log of n rational?

Is $g(x)=\log x$ convex function?

Evaluating $\sum_{n \geq 1}\ln \!\left(1+\frac1{2n}\right) \!\ln\!\left(1+\frac1{2n+1}\right)$

How can I find this limit involving thrice-iterated logarithm?

Integral $\int_0^1\frac{\log(x)\log(1+x)}{\sqrt{1-x}}\,dx$

Series for logarithms

Taylor Series for $\log(x)$

$\log_2 13$ is irrational

Evaluate $\int^1_0 \log^2(1-x) \log^2(x) \, dx$

Where did the word "logarithm" come from?