New posts in linear-algebra

Does $AA^T$ = I iff A is an orthogonal matrix?

Efficient Algorithm for Generalized Sylvester's Equation

Are non-degenerate bilinear forms equivalent to isomorphisms $V \cong V^*$?

Count the number of rational canonical form&find similarity classess

Show that $\operatorname{rank}(A) = \operatorname{rank}(B)$

Geometric interpretation of ranks of matrices gathering coefficients of 3 affine and associated vectorial planes

When solving for eigenvector, when do you have to check every equation?

$P+Q-PQ$ is a projection if and only if $PQ=QP$.

Does in plane exist $22$ points and $22$ such circles that each circle contains at least $7$ points and each point is on at least $7$ circles.

Why is the dot product of two vectors defined the way in which it is? [duplicate]

Volume of the intersection of the unit ball with a polyhedral cone

Pseudo Inverse Solution for Linear Equation System Using the SVD

Why $x^{n}=1$'s solution is equal to regular polygon in complex plane?

Bounded linear function implication

Polyak-Lojasiewicz (PL) inequality proof

Theorem 9.34 Rudin

How to determine the Standard Matrix

Solving systems of linear equations over a finite ring

Orthogonal planes in n-dimensions

Closedness of sets under linear transformation