New posts in linear-algebra

Equation of a line in homogenous coordinates given 2 points in affine coordinates

What is the number of distinct subgroups of the automorphism group of $\mathbf{F}_{3^{100}}$?

Example for adjacency matrix of a bipartite graph

Show that $\langle x,y\rangle_A = \langle Ax,Ay\rangle$ is an inner product on $\mathbb R^n$

Why eigenvectors with the highest eigenvalues maximize the variance in PCA?

Question about the converse of a well known result from Linear Algebra

What is the connection between linear algebra and geometry?

Nilpotent Matrix

Linear independence of $n$th roots over $\mathbb{Q}$

Isomorphism of rings implies isomorphism of vector spaces?

Rank of the difference of matrices [duplicate]

Property of 10x10 matrix with non negative eigenvalues

Using cross product find direction vector of line joining point of intersection of line and plane and foot of perpendicular from line to plane.

When will span of vectors plus a constant form a vector space?

Prove that row rank of a matrix equals column rank

Proving that $\operatorname{trace}(T) =\langle Te_1,e_1\rangle +\cdots+\langle Te_n,e_n\rangle $?

Fredholm Alternative as seen in PDEs, part 1

How do I see that every left ideal of a square matrix ring over a field is principal?

Proof that multiplying by the scalar 1 does not change the vector in a normed vector space.

Is this Partition affirmation correct? [closed]