New posts in language-support

What is the correct way to fix an assertion in loadlocale.c?

How to install additional language packs on Ubuntu Gnome 15.04?

How to install, select and use different keyboard layouts of the same language in Lubuntu?

how do I go about removing all the language packs I don't need

Modify existing language translation

How can I switch languages like Windows

What do the 4 keyboard input method systems mean?

How to set LibreOffice to suggest corrections for UK English?

Installing SOGOU 搜狗拼音

How do I switch to another language?

Indian languages not suppoted in Ubuntu 16.04?

Unwanted Chinese language got set in system settings [duplicate]

How do I set the login manager to enable `change languages` at login?

Japanese default input mode

How do I input text in Tamil?

How do I install a new language pack for Tesseract on 16.04

How to unlink language and regional settings [duplicate]

Belgian formats when choosing US language - regional & language settings issue

warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale

How do I get traditional chinese input with pinyin on Ubuntu 20.04?