How to unlink language and regional settings [duplicate]

Solution 1:

The typical installation does not include regional formats.

  1. Go to Settings -> Region & Language -> Manage installed languages -> Install

  2. Then: Install/Remove languages -> Dutch. In Regional formats, select Nederlands (België)

  3. Logout and login.

Your calendar should be in Dutch.

Solution 2:

The locale used for regional formats is determined (aka guessed) by the installer based on the time zone location. Normally that leads to the right thing.

In case of Belgium with multiple important languages there is an ambiguity. I think it picks German simply because it comes first when sorted alphabetically:

$ cat /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED | grep _BE | grep UTF-8
de_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8
fr_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8
li_BE UTF-8
nl_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8
wa_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8

To make the installer pick some other language, it would be possible, at least technically, to add BE to this list.

The reason why it's not there already may be political. If you would pick nl as the default language, the French speaking folks might be unhappy and vice versa.

Anyway, to have it considered by the developers, you may want to file a ubiquity bug report:

ubuntu-bug ubiquity

Solution 3:

One way to have the month and weekday names in English is to open the ~/.profile file for editing and add this line:

export LC_TIME=en_DK.UTF-8

And then relogin.

The en_DK locale is not so much a Danish locale, but rather a locale for ISO aware European users who prefer English as the display language.