New posts in junit

spring junit load application context for tests

When using JUnit's @Parameterized, can I have some tests still run only once [duplicate]

How to test validation annotations of a class using JUnit?

How to mock a web server for unit testing in Java? [closed]

Java/ JUnit - AssertTrue vs AssertFalse

Mock private static final field using mockito or Jmockit

How to run JUnit tests suite in Ant?

Testing an EJB with JUnit

Is there a way to "fail fast" for junit with the maven surefire plugin?

Android Studio - with Junit 4.12 “!!! JUnit version 3.8 or later expected:”

Mockito - Invalid use of argument matchers

Android unit test not mocked

Does Java's try-with-resources catch errors or just exceptions?

PowerMock testing - set static field of class

Unable to run JUnit test with PowerMockRunner

Why doesn't this code attempting to use Hamcrest's hasItems compile?

mock nested method calls using mockito

MimeMessage.saveChanges is really slow

Creating temporary database that works across maven test phases?

Problem with deserialization of LocalDateTime in Junit test