Java/ JUnit - AssertTrue vs AssertFalse

Solution 1:

assertTrue will fail if the second parameter evaluates to false (in other words, it ensures that the value is true). assertFalse does the opposite.

assertTrue("This will succeed.", true);
assertTrue("This will fail!", false);

assertFalse("This will succeed.", false);
assertFalse("This will fail!", true);

As with many other things, the best way to become familiar with these methods is to just experiment :-).

Solution 2:

Your understanding is incorrect, in cases like these always consult the JavaDoc.


public static void assertFalse(java.lang.String message,
                               boolean condition)

Asserts that a condition is false. If it isn't it throws an AssertionError with the given message.


  • message - the identifying message for the AssertionError (null okay)
  • condition - condition to be checked

Solution 3:

The point is semantics. In assertTrue, you are asserting that the expression is true. If it is not, then it will display the message and the assertion will fail. In assertFalse, you are asserting that an expression evaluates to false. If it is not, then the message is displayed and the assertion fails.

assertTrue (message, value == false) == assertFalse (message, value);

These are functionally the same, but if you are expecting a value to be false then use assertFalse. If you are expecting a value to be true, then use assertTrue.

Solution 4:

I think it's just for your convenience (and the readers of your code)

Your code, and your unit tests should be ideally self documenting which this API helps with,

Think abt what is more clear to read:

AssertTrue(!(a > 3));


AssertFalse(a > 3);

When you open your tests after xx months when your tests suddenly fail, it would take you much less time to understand what went wrong in the second case (my opinion). If you disagree, you can always stick with AssertTrue for all cases :)

Solution 5:

Your first reaction to these methods is quite interesting to me. I will use it in future arguments that both assertTrue and assertFalse are not the most friendly tools. If you would use

assertThat(thisOrThat, is(false));

it is much more readable, and it prints a better error message too.