New posts in jshint

Why does JSHint argue against bitwise operators? How should I express this code?

Adobe Brackets disable jslint but allow jshint

Prevent JSHint warning that 'functionName is defined but never used'

How can I check JavaScript code for syntax errors ONLY from the command line?

Does JSHint support async/await?

Disabling warning about "require" function in JSHint

jshint throws a"Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'"

Why is Jshint saying "variable already defined" in this if statement?

JS Hint - don't make functions within a loop

Is it bad practice to use the same variable name in multiple for-loops?

How to suppress "{variable} is better written in dot notation."

Ignore camelcase variable in JSHint

How to set .eslintrc to recognize 'require'?

JSHint "Possible strict violation." when using `bind`

ES6 in JShint - .jshintrc has esversion, but still getting warning (using atom) requires "use strict". What does this mean? [duplicate]

How to tell JSLint / JSHint what global variables are already defined

How to remove global "use strict" added by babel

Why is JSHINT complaining that this is a strict violation?

JSDoc - how to check types for JavaScript