JSHint "Possible strict violation." when using `bind`

Solution 1:

It is extremely hard to detect this case without running the code. You can use option validthis to suppress this warning:

"use strict";

var obj = {
    f: function() {
        this.prop = 'value';
        g.bind( this )();

function g() {
    /*jshint validthis:true */
    console.log( this.prop );

It is to be noted that jshint comments are function scoped. So the comment will work for the function g and its inner functions, not just the next line.

Solution 2:

You can also achieve the same effect if you modify your code to the following to avoid using this all together.

"use strict";

var obj = {
    f: function() {
        this.prop = 'value';
        g.bind( null, this )();

function g(self) {
    console.log( self.prop );