New posts in babeljs

confused with babel preset configs between @babel/env and @babel/preset-env

ES6 modules: imported constants are undefined at first; they become available later

Webpack not converting ES6 to ES5

Babel 6.0.20 Modules feature not work in IE8

Optional chaining operator support in VSCode

Can I extend Proxy with an ES2015 class?

When to use babel.config.js and .babelrc

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js): Error: Cannot find module 'babel-preset-react'

Module.exports and es6 Import

Export const arrow function or basic function?

Whats the difference between babel-preset-es2015 and babel-preset-env?

Import ES module in Next.js ERR_REQUIRE_ESM

Breakpoint debugging minfied/mangled/compiled variables

Running Mocha + Istanbul + Babel

Code inside DOMContentLoaded event not working

is it possible to let bebel loader keep the source when develop

Cannot find module babel-preset-es2015

How to load es6, react, babel code in html with cdn?

How to set up Babel 6 stage 0 with React and Webpack

What are the main differences between Babel and TypeScript