Import ES module in Next.js ERR_REQUIRE_ESM

I came upon this error when trying to use ky in a Next.js project:

Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: /foo/node_modules/ky/index.js

I think the problem is that Webpack (or Babel) is transforming all imports to require()s but ky is a pure ES module.

I got it working by dynamically importing ky before using it but it's not elegant nor efficient.

const handleFormSubmit = async (event) => {
  const ky = (await import("ky")).default;

  const response = await ky

Any suggestions?

From Next.js 12, support for ES Modules is now enabled by default, as long as the ESM library has "type": "module" in its package.json. Using next-transpile-modules to transpile ESM libraries is no longer required.

Before Next.js 12

Since ky is exported as ESM you can transpile it with next-transpile-modules in next.config.js.

// next.config.js
const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(['ky']);

module.exports = withTM(/* your Next.js config */);

You can try upgrading nextjs to v11.1.0, it has some support for ESM.


More info in this issue discussion from

Since Next.js 12 (official announcement), support for ESM modules is automatically enabled. See #29878.

Since Next.js 12.1, you can add "type": "module" to your package.json. See #33637.