New posts in job-control

What's the difference between: a program, process, job, service, daemon, script, command? [closed]

how do you background a ssh process?

run a shell script and immediately background it, however keep the ability to inspect its output

Wait for bash background jobs in script to be finished

Verify in ExecStartPre if bash binary exists

"respawning too fast, stopped". How to make UPSTART disable for 5 mins?

How to resume terminal functionality after issuing the "suspend" command?

Sun Grid Engine: Automatically Terminating Idle Interactive Jobs

Can you screen a running programme? [duplicate]

Is there a way to provide serial tasks on terminal while a task is executing (without using a file)?

Prevent a systemd service from starting if another systemd service is running

How to find still running processes in a terminal?

Why can't I use job control in a bash script?

In what order should I send signals to gracefully shutdown processes?

What is the meaning of & at the end of a command?

job control and ssh

How to send a process to background and foreground?

Continue a "ctrl-z"-ed job in background

How to stop a bash while loop running in the background?

How can I run OpenVPN as root in the background, in a script?