New posts in iterm2

Vim configuration slow in Terminal & iTerm2 but not in MacVim

iTerm2 shows up on every Space. How to keep it from doing so?

iTerm2: Stopping the inactive pane from dimming

Bash keyboard shortcuts in iTerm like Alt+d and Alt+f [closed]

Is it possible to use vim key bindings in iterm2?

Getting strange characters when pasting into my iterm2 terminal

How to open Go2Shell preferences in Mac OSX?

iTerm2 Vim alt+right/left arrow

Make iTerm2 launch with Zsh

Copy the output of the last command in iTerm2

iterm2: Ctrl-C doesn't work sometimes

Pasting 'required text' into terminal emulator results in '^[[200~required text~'

Rename Iterm2 tab from within tmux

How to make command+arrow go to begining and end of line in iterm2?

iTerm2: delete line?

Powerline Patched Fonts on OSX 10.9.3 - iTerm2 & Chrome

ZSH iterm2 increase number of lines history

iTerm2: Alt-Dot functionality with Cmd-Dot

Is there any way to set the default font to 16pts in iTerm2?

Zsh prompt with current working directory