Rename Iterm2 tab from within tmux

I can use the following function to rename a iterm2 tab and that works great.

function rename_tab {
    echo -ne "\033]0;"$@"\007"

However, if I run this function while in a tmux session, then nothing happens.

Any idea how to make this work while in tmux? Thanks!

Solution 1:

You can use the tmux option set-titles

In my .tmux.conf I have the following line:

set-option -g set-titles on

You will need to restart the tmux server (kill existing sessions) or re-source the file before the change in your config takes effect. You can also run this for an existing session with <prefix>:set-option set-titles on

Solution 2:

I could not get the set-titles to work when using the tmux integration in iTerm2 (running with tmux -CC)

Instead this works just fine

function tabname {
  if [ -z $TMUX ] ; then
    printf "\e]1;$@\a"
   tmux rename-window "$@"

Solution 3:

This answer is not a direct reply to the question, sorry about that. It is instead how to do this from iTerm2 without a command line equivalent.

iTerm Menu Bar -> Shell ->


tmux ->


Dashboard -> select a window ->


Press return to rename (just like in Finder!) Press enter to rename