As a Linux user, I am very used to jump from word to word in vim/nano using ALT+left or right.

This doesn't seem to work properly using iTerm, I am using zsh, I tried adding;

bindkey -e
bindkey '^[[1;9C' forward-word
bindkey '^[[1;9D' backward-word

It does work, but inside zsh only, then I commented those lines and added in iTerm a keyboard shortcut;

enter image description here

It does work, but only for the ALTleft

How can I make it work for the right arrow too?

Solution 1:

In iTerm's properties go to Profiles -> Keys and setup there

  • For ⌥→ Send Escape Sequence [1;5C
  • For ⌥← Send Escape Sequence [1;5D

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Start by viewing the key code your terminal is sending to vim:

$ sed -n l

In the above example, i ran the sed command and pressed Alt + Left.

The ^[[1;9D is the escaped sequence being sent to vim, so we can user that for our mapping.

Add to vimrc:

map <Esc>[1;9D :tabn<CR>

alternative solution for macOS

if sed -nl is not working as expected, try CTRL + V instead

You can determine the current mapping using the "control-V trick": First press control-V, then the keystroke you like to examine. This will print the characters that are sent to the terminal.

For example typing control-V + delete prints ^?. I have only verified this on macOS 11.

Solution 3:

I read another post describing that for option-left and option right, you need to bind them to the actions ^[b and ^[f, respectively. That is, you bind them to "Send escape sequence" and bind key b and f.