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iPython in multi-line editing

Open Terminal with predefined tabs

Mac OS X Terminal title incorrectly displaying "Python"

How does detect a change to the terminal parameters?

Keyboard shortcut to scroll Terminal one line at a time

Disabling AppNap for Terminal

Mac OS X Terminal - Naming SSH Connections?

OS X Find and RM recursively through folders with spaces in the names?

How do you install pythonbrew when using the Fish Shell?

OS X El Capitan 10.11 Terminal 2.6 won't open new tabs with same working directory

Manipulate Mac OS X file icons from Automator or command-line

Is it possible to change the transparency of an already open window in Mac OS X?

Connect to another Mac via Terminal?

Syntax highlighting in Terminal Mac OS X

Mac OS Terminal - keyboard echo breaks after ctrl-c with some applications

Less seems to no longer accept mouse-scrolls in the Terminal in macOS

How to identify the terminal from a script?

vim is very slow on my Mac opens different theme when launching a new shell window

Ping more than 56 bytes on macOS