New posts in inverse-function

Binomial Coefficient

True or False : If $f(x)$ and $f^{-1}(x)$ intersect at an even number of points , all points lie on $y=x$

(New Solution needed) Explicit series expansion for inverse of $e^{-x}\left(\frac{x^2}2+x+1\right)$

In $\lambda$-calculus, is there a way to undo an application $(AB)$ to get back just $A$ or just $B$?

Solve functional equation $ h(y)+h^{-1}(y)=2y+y^2 $

$f(x)\bmod b$: solve for $ x$

Alternative notation for inverse function

When does $x^n = \sqrt[n]x$ for odd $n$ and real $x$?

Does $f\colon x\mapsto 2x+3$ mean the same thing as $f(x)=2x+3$?

Find the approximation of the inverse of binary entropy function

How do we know that is not possible to invert $x=t+\cos t$ analytically?

If we want $x^n$ to have an inverse for all non-zero integers $n$, what must the domain of $x$ be?

Does the function $f(x)=\frac{1}{x}$ have an inverse function?

How do I find the inverse of $f(x) = \frac{x}{x^2 + 1}$

Discontinuous inverse function

Deriving the closed form for $\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} \tan^{-1} (an+b) $

Why does the graph of $\sqrt[3]{x}$ look like that on GeoGebra although $x^3$ is a one-to-one function

Simplifying the identity: $\sin(\arctan\frac x a)$

Dirac delta function $\delta(f(x))$ of function $f$ with a higher-order zero

A function with a non-zero derivative, with an inverse function that has no derivative.