New posts in indicator

Developer documentation for the Messaging Menu?

How can I remove the default indicators and add custom ones?

Why are Thunderbird-Lightning events not showing in Unity panel calendar?

Reduce tray icon padding on Ubuntu with GNOME 3

How do I install a nice notification indicator for the keyboard layout?

Logitech Performance MX mouse shows as "unknown" in Power Statistics

16.04 with Unity - Icon with sound indicator icon is gone. How to activate it?

How to deactivate the "network disconnected" popup?

How do I move Panel (Not Launcher) icons in Ubuntu Unity?

How do I know what to whitelist to allow my application into the system tray?

How to fix broken nautilus-dropbox icon in ubuntu 18.04 GNOME-Flashback in top Panel?

How can I get a world clock indicator?

How to prevent Java applications from creating tray icon?

How can I show an icon in the panel if (and while) a certain process is running?

Indicator Applet Icons Spacing Too Large

indicator-notifications history [duplicate]

Can I set the power indicator to show battery percentage instead of time remaining?

Visual corruption affecting several panel applets

Wifi icon is not displayed

reduce Screen brightness in battery mode automatically