indicator-notifications history [duplicate]

I am looking for a way to view all the entries in indicator-notifications. I have it installed already and running. By default, it shows just five recent notifications even when you have more than five in a 'list' somewhere.

enter image description here

Like in the screenshot above, how can I see all the 11 notifications at once?

Solution for showing more notifications in the bubble

For Ubuntu 13.04 and up. If you interpret OPs question as "I want more notifications to appear",

sudo nano /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/net.launchpad.indicator.notifications.gschema.xml

Look for the lines that say

<range min="1" max = "10"/> <default>5<default>

and then edit the <default>5<default> and `<range min="1" max = "10"/> to whatever you need.

For the curious

In the debian for the software, it has a few folders that it installs into. It installs things into /usr/share and /usr/lib. Library files are in .so so I can't edit anything in there. Navigating through /usr/share, I found the doc folder which is just debian package info, pixmaps which are the pngs for the icons on the notification bar, and then there was glib-2.0 which conveniently had an easy to read xml file. This is where you edit the variable to show whatever value of notifications you want.

Solution for Saving the Notifications to File

If you interpret OPs question as "I want to see my notification history", this is a general solution, you can do what you want with the log produced, IE let it accumulate, have it clear on shutdown, etc. Indicator-notifications is based on notify-osd as noted in their notes. Indicator-notifications is not necessary for this solution.

In sudo nano /etc/environment add LOG=1.


You notifications will now be stored in/home/$USER/.cache/notify-osd.log

Edit: Global Variables may be a bad idea to change because it is unknown what other programs use that variable. Add LOG=1 to your local .bashrc instead.