Visual corruption affecting several panel applets

This happens occasionally, and I never know how to fix it without deleting the panel and adding a new one. Any help would be appreciated.

Weird panel

Unfortunately, no one really knows of a proper solution to this yet. You can read and subscribe to bug 439448 if you're interested in updates, but be prepared for a lot of email.

At the moment, just have to kill the panel when you see it happen and hope it doesn't happen again. It's extremely difficult to debug due to the fact that it only happens every once in a while.

Whenever I trip on this panel visual corruption, I do a right click on the panel bar, select "Preferences" or "Properties" (sorry, my language is Italian, I am not sure which is the correct menu option equivalent to "Proprieta") and just increase the height of the panel by a couple of pixels, WITHOUT CLOSING THE WINDOW.

Gnome repaints the higher panel bar almost on the fly, correcting whatever defect there was, and as soon as it has done so, I revert the pixel height back to the previous value and close the panel "Properties"/"Preferences" window.