New posts in indefinite-integrals

Indefinite Integral $\int\sqrt[3]{\tan(x)}dx$

Help with $\int\frac{1}{1+x^8}dx$

Intriguing Indefinite Integral: $\int ( \frac{x^2-3x+1/3 }{x^3-x+1})^2 \mathrm{d}x$

Are there any special rules when making a substitution in an integral?

Evaluate $\int \frac{(x^2-1)(x^2+3)}{x^4-2x^3-6x-1}dx$ using elementary methods

Integrate $\int \frac{\sin x \cos x}{\sin^4x + \cos^4x} \,dx$

Evaluating $\int \frac{\sin{x}+\cos{x}}{\sin^4{x}+\cos^4{x}} \mathrm dx$

How many ways to deal with the integral $\int \frac{d x}{1-\sin x \cos x}$?

How many ways to deal with the integral $\int \frac{d x}{\sqrt{1+x}-\sqrt{1-x}}$?

Finding the antiderivatives of a trigonometric function in two different intervals

Evaluating $\int \sqrt{1 + t^2} dt$?

Integration of elementary rational fractions

When is ${\large\int}\frac{dx}{\left(1+x^a\right)^a}$ an elementary function?

How to find $\int x^{1/x}\mathrm dx$

Evaluation of $\int\frac{5x^3+3x-1}{(x^3+3x+1)^3}\,dx$

Analytic form of: $ \int \frac{\bigl[\cos^{-1}(x)\sqrt{1-x^2}\bigr]^{-1}}{\ln\bigl( 1+\sin(2x\sqrt{1-x^2})/\pi\bigr)} dx $

Another way to evaluate $\int\frac{\cos5x+\cos4x}{1-2\cos3x}{dx}$?

How to evaluate these indefinite integrals with $\sqrt{1+x^4}$?

Why am I getting two different answers while calculating $\int \frac{dx}{\sqrt{2ax-x^2}}$?

How to integrate $\int \frac{1}{\sin^4x + \cos^4 x} \,dx$?