New posts in indefinite-integrals

Integral $\int\!\sqrt{\cot x}\,dx $

Evaluate $\int \cos(\cos x)~dx$

Integration and differentiation of Fourier series

How can I calculate $\int \frac{\sec x\tan x}{3x+5}\,\mathrm dx$ [duplicate]

How to integrate $\int e^{-t^{2}} \space \, \mathrm dt $ using introductory calculus methods

Proof that $\int x^x dx$ can't be done in terms of elementary functions?

Evaluate $\int (1-x^{2008})^{\frac{1}{2007}} (1-x^{2007})^{\frac{1}{2008}} dx$

Families of functions closed under integration

Prove reduction formula for $\int \cos^n (x)\sin^m (x) \, dx$

Indefinite double integral

Integration of sqrt Sin x dx

Trying to evaluate : $\int \frac{e^{x^2}+2xe^{x}}{e^{x^2}+e^x} dx$

How to solve this indefinite integral? $\int {t}{\sqrt{1+\cos(t)}} \,dt$

How to evaluate the integral $\int e^{x^3}dx $

Is indefinite integration non-linear?

Reduction formula for $\int\frac{dx}{(ax^2+b)^n}$

Various ways to calculate $\int \sin(x) \cos(x) \, \mathrm{d}x$

How can one prove the impossibility of writing $ \int e^{x^{2}} \, \mathrm{d}{x} $ in terms of elementary functions?

Integral of $1/\cos^2 x$

Question on integral containing exponential and sine function