New posts in indefinite-integrals

Evaluate $\int\sin(\sin x)~dx$

Prove that $\arctan x$ cannot be expressed as a rational function

Evaluate $\int \frac {\operatorname d\!x} {2x \sqrt{1-x}\sqrt{2-x + \sqrt{1-x}}}$

Evaluate the indefinite integral $\int \frac{\sin^3\frac\theta 2}{\cos\frac\theta2 \sqrt{\cos^3\theta + \cos^2\theta + \cos\theta}} d\theta$

evaluation of $\int \cos (2x)\cdot \ln \left(\frac{\cos x+\sin x}{\cos x-\sin x}\right)dx$

The negative integral meaning

Indefinite Integral for $\cos x/(1+x^2)$

Compute : $\int\frac{x+2}{\sqrt{x^2+5x}+6}~dx$

Indefinite integral question: $\int \frac{1}{x\sqrt{x^2+x}}dx$

Beautiful Indefinite Integrals. [closed]

Integration of $\int \frac{x^2+20}{(x \sin x+5 \cos x)^2}dx$

How to integrate a three products

Evaluating $\int \frac{\sec^2 x}{(\sec x + \tan x )^{{9}/{2}}}\,\mathrm dx$

Evaluate $\int\frac{1}{\sin(x-a)\sin(x-b)}\,dx$

Integral of type $\displaystyle \int\frac{1}{\sqrt[4]{x^4+1}}dx$

Calculating integrals of the form $\int\frac{dx}{(1+x^{q})^\frac{p}{r}}$

What is the fast way to evaluate the following integral: $\int{\frac{\sqrt{x^2+1}}{x^4}\mathrm{d}x}$?

How to calculate $\int{\frac {x^2}{ ( x\cos x -\sin x ) ^2}}\,{\rm d}x$?

Integral $\int{\frac{1}{\sqrt{2x^2+x+1}}}dx$

Evaluate $\int _{ }^{ }\frac{1}{\sqrt{1+x^3}}dx$