New posts in idioms

Is "having a bowl" an idiom?

Can one say "I am burning with questions about [a topic]"?

What does “have the avocados” for anchorman work mean?

What does the word 'knocked' mean in the old song "Knocked 'em in the Old Kent Road'?

Are hatters really mad? [closed]

Origin and evolution of 'on the bubble' in senses related to 'having an uncertain outcome'

Etymology of “take to the cleaners.”

Python indentation in "empty lines"

Usage of "to double down" in British and American English

What does 'shrink' mean in this sentence: "I don't talk about me like a TV show character would to his shrink" [duplicate]

Expression with "starring" [closed]

what does "to walk at grade" mean?

The history of the phrase, "to drop the ball." [closed]

Synonyms for "speak of the devil [and he doth/shall appear]"

The construction of "verb1 or verb2" as in "win or lose"

Meaning of phrase "knock against sth." [closed]

What is an idiom for a person who likes himself too much? [closed]

What's the meaning of "turning the state of the art to the state of the practice"?

Do the nights 'draw in' or 'pull in'?

Etymology of the phrase "goof off"