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Cannot find files for `calcurse` calendar application installed with homebrew : not where documentation says they are

Why won't my iCal calendars display in the same window?

Problems with Google Calendars and iCal in Lion

How do I force iCal to sync?

iCal Google Sync -- how to get rid of folders (delegates)?

Can't enable Gmail calendar syncing in Lion - is there a way to create tasks from email?

Google Calendar sync not working in Mountain Lion

How to select calendar with "Quick Event" in 10.7 iCal?

Disable page curl animation in Lion's iCal

Set an alert for an event in a subscribed calendar in iCal

When sharing calendars on iCloud, how do I show other people that I'm occupied, but not why?

How to view public Exchange calendars from iCal?

Is there a method to edit the "start time" of a calendar event without the "end time" changing automatically?

How to add a Google calendar shared with me, to my iCloud calendars

Calendar (iCal) .ics format

I can't see Google Calendar on macOS Calendar app

How to add location info to Calendar using "Quick Event"

How to set a multiple alert/reminder for the same calendar event?

Alert time discrepancies when synchronizing calendars between iOS 6 and OS X 10.8