When sharing calendars on iCloud, how do I show other people that I'm occupied, but not why?

Now that I will be able to share iCal calendars (e.g. on iCloud, MobileMe), for events that are marked as private is there a way to make other people only see that I am occupied at a certain time but not why? Can I somehow make an event private?

If this still will not be possible, what is the current workaround for this? How could I set up this scenario?

Solution 1:

The availability picker on Lion (when it even works) only shows the binary status with your busy times blocked.

enter image description here

The CalDAV request to show busy times just shows that you are busy, not why.

If you don't share private events (or keep that secure with a password to subscribe), your event details are as secure as anything on a web server with controls before you can retrieve the data. (not perfect security, but not wide open to anyone)