New posts in http-status-code-404

How can I return a 404/50x status code from a Grails Controller?

Return Custom HTTP Status Code from WebAPI 2 endpoint

Receiving a 404 for a file that exists in nginx web server

404 header - HTTP 1.0 or 1.1?


nginx serving alternate location on 404

How to throw a 404 error from htaccess?

Phonegap Cordova Ajax requests 404 (Not Found) Error

header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); not doing anything

Nginx - Customizing 404 page

How to prevent bots from trying to guess a link on my site

In a single-page app, what is the right way to deal with wrong URLs (404 errors)?

IIS website http ok but https cannot find resource (status code 404)

Is there a way to force apache to return 404 instead of 403?

ERROR 404.3 Not Found for JSON file

Spring Java Config vs Jboss 7

Tomcat started in Eclipse but unable to connect to http://localhost:8085/

IIS7 custom 404 not showing

404 Error on a file that exists?

IIS 7 returns HTTP 200 on custom 404 error page