New posts in homological-algebra

Detail in the proof that sheaf cohomology = singular cohomology

Is "Categories and Sheaves" a good followup to Aluffi's "Algebra: Chapter 0"?

If $f:R\to S$ is an $R$-algebra and $P$ is a projective $S$-module, then $pd_R(P)\le pd_R(S)$.

Why does $\mathrm{Tor}_0^R(M,N)\cong M\otimes_R N$?

Etymology of Tor and Ext Functors

Showing an ideal is a projective module via a split exact sequence

Non-Universal Delta Functors

What exactly is a trivial module?

Questions about Rickards proof that $D^b_\mathtt{sg}(A) \equiv \mathtt{stmod}(A)$

"The Yoneda embedding reflects exactness" is a direct consequence of Yoneda?

Algebraic topology, etc. for Mac Lane's "Categories for the Working Mathematician"

Coefficients in homology

Showing that localization is an exact functor

Proving that free modules are flat (without appealing projective modules)

Induced short exact sequence on wedge product

Dimensions of vector spaces in an exact sequence

Does every l.e.s. "in homology" come from a s.e.s. of complexes?

Singular homology with coefficients in a ring versus in an abelian group

Is the zig-zag lemma natural if the diagram of short exact sequences is only commutative up to homotopy?

Why group cohomology and not group homology?