New posts in heartbeat


How to run multiple Heartbeat/Corosync/Pacemaker clusters in the same network? (Quorum)

How to suppress a Heartbeat resource from starting in failover data center?

Heartbeat/DRBD failover didn't work as expected. How do I make the failover more robust?

Is it "OK" to use a low end NIC for a dedicated heart beat between two servers?

crm command(cluster managment for pacemaker) not found in latest Centos 6

Heartbeat meatware STONITH on kernel panic

ZooKeeper alternatives? (cluster coordination service) [closed]

Is there a way to force heartbeat to add new ip addresses to the system without a full restart?

DRBD / Heartbeat on Virtual Machines

Heartbeat Pacemaker 3 node/ip failover

How can I balance incoming web traffic amongst N apache servers?

heartbeat: find out machine's status within a cluster?

Do Pacemaker, Heartbeat, etc. make sense for EC2?

How do you automate failover on EC2?

Heartbeat vs UCarp

Which messaging layer to use, Heartbeat or Corosync?

What is the difference between keepalive and heartbeat?

How can I deploy a scalable, reliable haproxy cluster on Amazon EC2?

Alternatives to Heartbeat, Pacemaker and CoroSync?