New posts in keepalive

Keep-Alive and Timeout Behaviours between different browsers on Windows

Trying to understand how keep-alive works

NGINX : Keep alive requests to static content ok - Keep alive requests to php-fpm requests hang until keepalive_timeout is reached

Is there a way to pause/resume particular TCP connection?

nginx detecting dead clients

Apache: Force HTTP 1.1 or Persistent/KeepAlive connections for HTTP 1.0 requests

(Why) does FreeBSD 'net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive' violate RFC1122?

How do I keep an RDP session alive from the client side?

How can I avoid heroku stopping my dyno?

keep-alive or not keep-alive

Why would you ever set MaxKeepAliveRequests to anything but unlimited?

Is tcp_keepalive application dependant on Linux?

How to disable keepalive in curl

option http-server-close on HAProxy haproxy-1.5-dev19 will result in Connection: close header sent in response

Impact of Connection Close vs Keep-alive

TCP Keepalive and firewall killing idle sessions

Haproxy - timeout http-request vs timeout http-keep-alive vs timeout server

Keep-alive options not working on Linux for an outgoing connection

How to adjust nginx keepalive_timeout?

Should `keepalive_timeout` be removed from Nginx config?