New posts in group-actions

Dynamical System Cocycles: (Semi)Group vs. Monoid Definitions - Examples When is Distinction Important?

Faithful group actions for singleton group or for empty set

Relationship between the sizes of orbits of nodes

Importance of group action in abstract algebra [closed]

$Q_8$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $S_8$, but not isomorphic to a subgroup of $S_n$ for $n\leq 7$.

Prove that the map $\phi:S^3\times S^3\to{\bf GL}(4,\Bbb R)$ defined via quaternions as$\phi(p,q)(v)=pvq^{-1}$ has image ${\bf SO}(4)$

Vector fields and group actions

Katok's Fuchsian groups: Properly discontinuous action - homeomorphisms vs isometries hypotheses

How to check uniqueness of a subgroup from its order? [duplicate]

$G\le S_n$ in which all $g\ne e$ have $<\sqrt{n}$ cycles must be $\Bbb Z_p$ or $\Bbb Z_p\rtimes\Bbb Z_q$

Do there exist methods for determining the orbits of a group action on the cartesian product of sets?

Without using Sylow: Group of order 28 has a normal subgroup of order 7

Let $G$ act transitively on a set $A$. Show that if there is some $\alpha\in A$ such that $G_\alpha=\{1\}$, then $G_\beta=\{1\}$ for all $\beta\in A$

Is this action well defined?

Intuitive definitions of the Orbit and the Stabilizer

Geometric way to view the truncated braid groups?