New posts in graph-theory

How to explain that the complete graph $K_5$ is non planar without Kuratowski's theorem.

Possible all-Pentagon Polyhedra

Question about the unknot and grid in $\Bbb R^3$

How many different figures can be formed with a regular polygon of $n$ vertices and a number $d$ of diagonals of this polygon?

Probability of global epidemic

Prove a graph with $2n-2$ edges has two cycles of equal length

Two Steps away from the Hamilton Cycle

Cut vertices and cut edges - did I answer these correctly?

Is there a graph with all vertices having degree 3 or greater that doesn't have a hamiltonian path?

Interpretation of Symmetric Normalised Graph Adjacency Matrix?

Show that planar graph has at least 4 nodes of degree 5 of less

How to prove a graph asymmetric?

canonical labelling in nauty (McKay)

Significance of eigenvalue

Is there a name for a "hierachical" graph "inferred" from the edges and vertices of another graph?

How to read Spectral Theory of Graphs

Prove that trees have at least two vertices of degree one

Hamiltonian Cycle; Prove: if there's an efficient algorithm to determine that an HC exists, then there's an efficient FIND algorithm

In how many ways can you colorize the vertices of a grid with 4 colors so that every unit-square vertices are all of a different color?

chain rule using tree diagram, why does it work?