New posts in graph-theory

Example for adjacency matrix of a bipartite graph

How is the G-cost and F-cost generated in A*

The drawn diagonals divide the $N\times N$ board into $K$ regions. For each $N$, determine the smallest and the largest possible values of $K$.

(Long) Detailed Proof of Kőnig's Lemma (Explicit, Down to Axiom of Choice)

Szemerédi's Regularity Lemma

Number of nodes in an infinite binary tree

Sum of variables in graph optimum

Number of binary trees with $N$ nodes

Is Dijkstra's algorithm optimal for unweighted graphs?

A route that passes through all streets of the city

$\chi(G)+\chi(G')\leq n+1$

Properties of a Powerset Graph

Graph coloring when available colors are less than chromatic number

Graph partition that span a third of edges

Literature recommendation on random graphs

Zelda - Oracle of Ages tiles rooms puzzles: how can you prove if there are/aren't solutions?

Why does the result follow from the proof that has been given?

What is the chromatic polynomial for $K_{2,3}$? [duplicate]

Finding the longest path in an undirected weighted tree

What's a good and stable C++ tree implementation?