New posts in golden-ratio

Why does a golden angle based spiral produce evenly distributed points?

Continued Fraction [1,1,1,...]

Compare $\sum_{k=1}^n \left\lfloor \frac{k}{\varphi}\right\rfloor$ ...

On evaluating the Riemann zeta function, including that $\zeta(2)\gt \varphi$ where $\varphi$ is the golden ratio

Prove that $\frac{\pi}{\phi^2}<\frac65 $

A Golden Angle Conjecture

A Golden Ratio Symphony! Why so many golden ratios in a relatively simple golden ratio construction with square and circle?

Imaginary Golden Ratio

Trilogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_3(z)$ and the imaginary golden ratio $i\,\phi$

Transcendentality of the $\log$ of the golden mean

Proof of golden rectangle inside an Icosahedron

What is golden ratio doing in this computer code?

A pair of sequences defined by mutual addition/multiplication

Prove $\phi^n = \phi F_n + \text{(another Fibonacci number)}$ using mathematical induction.

Have you seen this golden ratio construction before with three squares (or just two) and circle ?Geogebra gives PHI or 1.6180.. exactly

A Series For the Golden Ratio

Ramanujan's Class Invariant $G_{625}$

Golden ratio in complex number squares

A Matrix With Eigenvalues Equal to The Golden Ratio and the Golden Conjugate

Find $q$ such that $[q[qn]]+1=[q^2n]$ for $n=1,2,\dotsc$