New posts in generics

How do I add different types conforming to a protocol with an associated type to a collection?

F# generics / function overloading syntax

Why does using Collections.emptySet() with generics work in assignment but not as a method parameter?

The type or namespace name 'T' could not be found

Can you use "where" to require an attribute in c#?

Reflection for Class of generic parameter in Java?

Named arguments and generic type inference in C# 4.0

Generics can't infer second parameter? [duplicate]

Passing a class with type parameter as type parameter for generic method in Java

Extension of constructed generic type in Swift

List<object>.RemoveAll - How to create an appropriate Predicate

C# generic methods, type parameters in new() constructor constraint

String gets assigned to a List without a compilation error [duplicate]

java cast generic type without unchecked cast warning

Wildcard equivalent in C# generics

C# Generic constraints to include value types AND strings

Rd file name conflict when extending a S4 method of some other package

How to properly document S4 methods using roxygen2

What does an "in" generic parameter do?

What is the point of allowing type witnesses on all method calls?